
Gets more out of your music library

Proudly Presenting songbirdDbTools 0.1

Are you frustrated that you aren’t able to export your playlist from your songbird database anymore because addons like Playlist Export Tool and Export My Playlists unfortunately never were updated to work with the most recent songbird version?

Then songbirdDbTools might be the solution to your problem. As it’s not a Songbird Addon, it keeps working even when you update songbird. And it exports playlists!

It might even have more features in the future.

As this is the very first release, please be patient - performance was not the main issue to resolve with v.0.1…

Still interested? Download version 0.1 of songbirdDbTools from here You can find a general introduction on how to use songbirdDbTools in the wiki.

Found a bug? File it here

Wanna contribute? Fork on github.
